Inkscape curved text
Inkscape curved text

Deselects all of the nodes that are selected and selects all of the nodes that are not selected. Inkscape converts the nodes to a node that maintains a smooth path.

  • Click the Make Selected Nodes Auto-smooth icon or press Shift + A.
  • Use the Make Selected Nodes Auto-smooth icon to create a node the maintains a smooth path as you drag it.
  • Click the Make Selected Nodes Symmetric icon or press Shift + Y.
  • Use the Make Selected Nodes Symmetric icon to create curved lines with handles that work symmetrically.
  • Click the Make Selected Nodes Smooth icon or press Shift + S.
  • Select the nodes you want to turn into curves.
  • Use the Make Selected Nodes Smooth icon to create curved lines with handles that work independently of one another. Inkscape converts the node into a sharp corner.
  • Click the Make Selected Nodes Corner icon (you make have to click it twice) or press Shift + C.
  • Select the nodes you want to turn into sharp corners.
  • This type of node is also referred to as a cusp node Use the Make Selected Nodes Corner icon to create sharp corners.
  • Use the Nodes tool to select the path that has the nodes you want to delete.
  • If handles get in the way of adding a node, click the Show Bezier Handles of Selected Nodes icon on the Tool Controls Bar to toggle the handles off.
  • Hold down the Ctrl and Alt key while you click the object. Inkscape adds a node.
  • inkscape curved text

  • Click the Insert New Node into Selected Segments icon.
  • The videos and text that follow are designed to help you understand how to work with paths and nodes. You can also use the Node tool to select objects. You use the Node tool to manipulate nodes. You can add, delete, move, and perform many other actions on nodes.

    inkscape curved text

    You can change the location of nodes by dragging them.

    inkscape curved text

    You can change the shape of a segment by dragging it or by adjusting the handles. A line between two nodes is called a segment. The location of the nodes and handles determine the shape of the path. A node handle is a line with a circle on the end. Paths have gray squares and/or circles on them called nodes nodes have handles. Once you convert a shape to a path, you cannot convert it back. Paths do not have controls, but you can manipulate them in many ways. Shapes have controls that you can use to modify them.

    inkscape curved text

    So far, in this tutorial, we have discussed two basic shapes: an ellipse, and a rectangle. Author: Sharlie Last modified: October 1 2019

    Inkscape curved text